What Is The Correct Way To Hang Toilet Paper?

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Every person has got into the age-old debate of how to hang the toilet paper. Some say that hanging over is the correct way, while others say that hanging under is the correct way. Of course, no matter where you stand on this debate, you must understand the right way.

We finally have an answer that will help you know the correct way to hang bath tissue toilet paper in no time.

Seth Wheeler And His Patent

Seth Wheeler is also known as the founding father of rapid dissolving toilet paper, as he patented the first wipes in 1871. Six years later, he also launched his paper company. However, his best invention was the roll-and-handles design that came in 1891.

Of course, the patent also solves our problem about the correct way to hang toilet rolls. After all, the founding father of toilet paper roll knew what he was doing when he came up with this.

What Is The Correct Way To Hang Toilet Paper?

The correct way to hang toilet paper towels is over. Of course, people who already use this way to hang toilet rolls know how easy it is. Besides that, it also reduces the risk of any germs gathering from your knuckles on the bathroom wall.

On the other hand, hanging the ultra soft mega rolls under gives it a cleaner appearance, and it will be less vulnerable to pet attacks. That is why many people also use the under method. Of course, if you want to use it the correct way, then you must switch to hanging your best toilet roll over.

Why Over Is The Correct Way To Hang Toilet Paper

You can debate all you like, but there is a reason why the correct way to hang chemical free toilet paper is over. That is because it reduces the risk of any food-poisoning bacteria that will spread from the bathroom to the rest of the place. A study done by the University of Colorado revealed that even a clean-looking bathroom is filled with germs.

The bacteria will transfer from your hands to anything that you touch. After that, it will transfer to anything you eat. When you hang the toilet rolls over, it is more likely that your fingers will only touch the best rv toilet paper that you will throw away.

On the other hand, if the paper is under, then it is likely your fingers will also touch the wall, which will spread germs. So, if you want to minimize the risk of germs in your bathroom, then you must begin by hanging your best biodegradable toilet paper.

Final Words

That was your complete guide to the correct way that you can hang wrapped toilet paper in your bathroom. So, are your team over or under? If you are a team under, it is time to change your habits and switch over.

Once you do, your bathroom will be cleaner, and you will be spreading fewer bacteria. In the long run, it will help you maintain the health of your bathroom and home.

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