A Complete History of Toilet Paper

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Everything has a history, and so does toilet paper. Of course, mass-produced toilet tissue was not a thing before as it was introduced during the 19th century. Ever since then, there have been many improvements to the standard toilet paper.

So, if you want to know more about this commodity, you have come to the right place. Here is a complete history of toilet paper.

What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?

Ever since the dawn of time, people have always taken care of their hygiene by finding ways to wipe themselves. In ancient times, climate, local customs, and even social hierarchy had an impact on toilet habits. People used natural materials and tools to keep themselves clean.

For example, in incredibly ancient times, many people used natural materials, such as water and snow, to wipe themselves. There were some cultures that also used animal furs and seashells for cleanliness. Moss and leaves were also used for cleansing at a point.

The Beginning Of The Toilet Paper

Did you know that the origin of paper lies in China during the second century BC? However, in medieval China, people began using paper for cleansing during the sixth century. By the 14th century, Chinese people were manufacturing ten million packages of toilet paper, and thousands of these toilet tissues were only for the imperial family.

In the Western World, the paper came around the fifteenth century. Besides that, toilet paper didn’t become available until the end of the 19th century. These toilet papers were sold in packages of five hundred sheets that cost 50 cents.

In 1890, the first perforated toilet paper rolls were also introduced to the common public. By 1930, the manufacturers upgraded the toilet tissues and created one that was free of splinters. Of course, now you will find many soft and strong toilet papers in the modern world that will keep you clean in no time.

Attitudes Towards Toilet Paper

There have always been shifts in consumer attitudes about any product. The same is true for toilet paper, as there has been a shift in bathroom practices and attitudes with time. Modern society wants to have toilet paper at all times, which is why they hoard.

We saw a prime example of toilet tissue hoarding during the initial lockdowns of COVID-19. However, there are also many people looking for eco-friendly alternatives to toilet paper. That is why they have also been shifting to using a bidet.

These bidets spray water that offers a better and healthier cleaning option. So, you can now also choose between toilet paper and bidet.

Final Words

That is the complete history of toilet paper that you need to know about. It is crucial to find good toilet paper for your hygiene and the comfort of your private parts.

So, be sure to do your research and find the best toilet paper that will allow you a comfortable and hygienic experience without a hassle, as the right toilet tissue can change your life.

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